Our Home Libraries
A spoiler-filled podcast where we discuss the books we've read together. Episodes could include reviews, discussions of key points, books we love and books we dislike, books we couldn't finish, and other book-ish things.
Our Home Libraries
A Touch of Chaos
We left Persephone in a precarious situation at the end of A Touch of Malice and things don’t get any easier. Titans are loose, there’s a full-on divine war brewing, and the stake for everyone – gods and mortals – couldn’t be higher. Persephone has to step up and embrace her role as Queen of the Underworld while also trying to figure out how to find Hades, who’s trapped in a labyrinth full of dangers designed by Theseus – who is absolutely the worst. We also get some chapters in Dionysus’s perspective as he’s trying to fulfill a deal he made with Ariadne to free her sister from Theseus. And we get a couple chapters from Theseus’s perspective…which is how we know he is absolutely The Worst.
How do we perceive the behavior of Persephone and Hades when they are separated at the beginning of the book versus when they are reunited? Which death resonated with us the most? Are we satisfied with the end of this series? Join us as we discuss these questions and more in this episode of our spoiler-filled podcast.
Great music huh?! The music for the intro and outro are segments from a song titled "Busy City" by TrackTribe, which was accessed through the YouTube audio library.
Coming up next: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
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