Our Home Libraries
A spoiler-filled podcast where we discuss the books we've read together. Episodes could include reviews, discussions of key points, books we love and books we dislike, books we couldn't finish, and other book-ish things.
Our Home Libraries
A Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches
“The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches" by Sangu Mandanna is a captivating tale about Mika Moon, one of the few witches in Britain who has lived her life under strict rules to hide her magic and avoid other witches to preventing their powers from mingling and drawing attentuon. Despite her solitary existence, Mika breaks one rule by sharing videos online, masquerading as a witch, believing it to be harmless. However, this leads to an unexpected invitation to teach magic to three young witches at the secluded Nowhere House. Breaking all her rules, Mika accepts and finds herself intertwined with the house's eclectic residents, including a surly yet intriguing (aka HOT) librarian named Jamie. As Mika grows closer to this newfound family, she faces a dilemma of whether to risk everything for the sake of belonging against the dangers that lurk beyond the wards of Nowhere house.
How does Mika’s status as an orphan and a witch shape her character and her actions throughout the novel? How does this author’s depiction of witches challenge traditional witch stereotypes? Join us as we discuss these questions and more in this episode of our spoiler-filled podcast.
Our spooky season music is from a song titled “Horror Background Music” by Lesfm from Pixabay.
Coming up next: Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey
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