Our Home Libraries
A spoiler-filled podcast where we discuss the books we've read together. Episodes could include reviews, discussions of key points, books we love and books we dislike, books we couldn't finish, and other book-ish things.
Our Home Libraries
Crown of Midnight
Crown of Midnight picks up after Celaena Sardothien wins the King’s deadly competition and becomes the King’s Champion. She is tasked with carrying out secret missions to eliminate those who pose a threat to the King’s rule, but she secretly refuses to kill the King’s enemies and finds ways to spare their live. Princess Nehemia encourages her to investigate the mysterious Wyrdmarks and the conspiracy surrounding the Wyrdkeys, with Celaena discovering shocking truths about her own past and the King’s dark plans in the process. The truth about Celaena’s identity and her connection to the Wyrdkeys has far-reaching consequences, which gives us an emotional climax and a big cliffhanger as Celaena explores her destiny.
How have the main characters evolved since the first book? How do we feel about the various romantic developments in this installment? How do we envision that characters dealing with the challenges that lie ahead? Join us as we discuss these questions and more in this episode of our spoiler-filled podcast.
Great music huh?! The music for the intro and outro are segments from a song titled "Busy City" by TrackTribe, which was accessed through the YouTube audio library.
Coming up next: Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
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