Our Home Libraries
A spoiler-filled podcast where we discuss the books we've read together. Episodes could include reviews, discussions of key points, books we love and books we dislike, books we couldn't finish, and other book-ish things.
Our Home Libraries
House of Flame and Shadow
After discovering the secret the Asteri have been hiding and flinging herself through a gate to a different world, Bryce must face the hidden truth of her power. Meanwhile, the consequences of their trip into the palace have landed Hunt, Ruhn, and Baxian in the dungeons, where they’re being tortured for information by the Hammer and the Hawk. Still struggling with his role after his excommunication from the pack, Ithan makes a desperate attempt to save Tharion from his blood oath to the Viper Queen, leading to more questions about the pack’s future and sending him to seek asylum with the House of Flame and Shadow. These storylines converge with an epic battle that brings the Fae, humans, angels, shifters, and armies of Hel together in an attempt to defeat the plague that is the Asteri.
How do we interpret the theme of “leveling up” in this book? What are our theories and speculations for the future of the Maasverse? Join us as we discuss these questions and more in this episode of our spoiler-filled podcast.
Great music huh?! The music for the intro and outro are segments from a song titled "Busy City" by TrackTribe, which was accessed through the YouTube audio library.
Coming up next: Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto
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